1550 Main St. N Moose Jaw, SK S6J 1L3 | (306) 692-5600 | info@hillcrestmj.com

Perfect for birthday parties, bridal/baby showers, etc.
At Hillcrest Church, you will find all kinds of spaces to rent for your occasions, meeting, events, conferences, birthday parties, and other events.
Rental areas are: Sanctuary, Gym, Fellowship Hall, Kitchen and small rooms. We rent our space from 9am-9pm.
Please note we do not rent our spaces on Sundays due to our own programming.
For more information on rentals please fill out the following form and we will get back to you soon. Or email our rental coordinator at krystal@hillcrestmj.com


Fellowship Hall

Hillcrest General Policies
1.1 This building is dedicated as a Christian Church and though it may be used in the serving of an individual, a group or community, all who use this facility are requested to honour its primary use.
1.2 Presentations, themes, displays, language or activities that are of a profane, degrading, abusive, racial, immoral, or criminal nature are not allowed. Gambling is not permitted on premises.
1.3 The entire building is designated as a smoke, vape, drug and alcohol-free environment. Food and drinks are restricted from some designated areas. Confetti use is prohibited in and around the building.
1.4 Non-marking gym shoes must be worn for gym sports. Dances are not permitted.
1.5 Bookings are only for designated areas, equipment and services plus adjacent hallways and washrooms. Other areas are off-limits as they may be booked for other groups.
1.6 The user is responsible for the proper use and care of the facilities and equipment. Repair, replacement or payment for damages will be negotiated with the Office. Hillcrest is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
1.7 Responsible personnel will be on call to allow access to the building and equipment as arranged and to control any misuse of facilities.
1.8 Bookings include services and rooms arranged ahead of time in the signed contract.
1.9 Exception to this policy may be approved by the Booking Coordinator and Facilities Manager.
1.10 You are permitted to throw away 5 bags of garbage maximum. Any more than 5 and you may be charged an additional fee to empty our garbage bin.
Hillcrest Funeral Policies
Non-Christian religious ceremonies which include Masonic Lodge or similar religions, New Age Spirituality and Native Spirituality are not permitted.
If the funeral is a suicide or has extenuating circumstances, benevolence may be applied and payment waived. This is the call of the Lead Pastor and one other member of the staff team.
Hillcrest does not provide Pastors for funerals; however, they may be asked.
Hillcrest does not provide catering, decorating or tablecloths except in the case of Hillcrest members or regular attenders.​
Hillcrest Wedding Policies
Wedding rehearsal, ceremony and Reception date/times must be arranged in advance and contracted through the Church Office.
A minister registered with ACOP is required for all weddings and pre-marital counselling. The marriage license is to be given to the minister at or before the rehearsal.
All weddings/rehearsals conducted in the Hillcrest sanctuary require the supervision of our Wedding Host/Hostess who will assist you and the minister through the rehearsal and wedding.
The bride and groom are required to provide groomsmen, ushers or two or three individuals to assist with moving and arranging platform furnishings before and after the wedding under the supervision of the Wedding Host/Hostess.
Approved bookings can be confirmed in writing up to 12 months in advance clarifying the facilities and services that we will provide, any special conditions that apply, and stating what the actual fee will be. (Printing invitations prior to approval is at your risk.)
Bride and Groom / wedding organizer MUST read and agree to these policies and the “Policies and Procedures” before the booking will be approved. It is the renter’s responsibility to communicate all policies to their party & guests.
Events must be scheduled so that janitorial must begin by 9:00 pm.
Caterers are to provide their own supplies, and general cleanup of the kitchen.